Created By:
Kristina Bramstorp
Collecting for:
Läkare Utan Gränsers allmänna arbete
The world sees a continuous rise in conflicts and thus human suffering. Due to limited access to information some crisis are less mediated than others. The situation in Yemen is one of those.
Millions of yemenites needs help to survive.
They to not belong to the refugees coming to Europe and elsewhere to seek shelter and protection. They are to weakened even to flee.
Look beyond the horizon and donate!
Doctors without Borders is one of few organisations with access to Yemen, a country where human life matters little and the borders are regularly closed as an arm in the conflict. Due to the latter, my campaign is part of the organisation's general project: to help as many people as possible in urgent need of medical care. When its funds cannot benefit Yemen, they come to important use elsewhere.
15,150 kr
0 Days left

Kristina Bramstorp donated 12,500 kr

Recent activity

  • Nevena Slavic Nevena Slavic donated 150 kr

    Pengarna är avsedda för krisen i Yemen, och ges med förhoppningen om att kunna lindra lidandet som människorna där går igenom.

  • Kristina Bramstorp Kristina Bramstorp donated 2,200 kr

  • Karin Aronsson Karin Aronsson donated 1,000 kr

    For Yemen and Kristina from Karin & Stellan

  • Anne Demerle-Got Anne Demerle-Got donated 1,000 kr

  • Kristina Bramstorp Kristina Bramstorp donated 300 kr

  • Birgitta Godlund Birgitta Godlund donated 500 kr

    Let us help the medics to reach out with their helping hands Let's join hands to wave the white flag

  • Kristina Bramstorp Kristina Bramstorp donated 10,000 kr

    A gesture of humanity in an inhuman world.