Kivra's Fundraising to Doctors Without Borders
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Kivra's Fundraising to Doctors Without Borders
Kivra employees contributed funds through different events, such as Kivra Second Hand and Kivra Charity Auction.
120,017 kr
0 Days left
Kivra donated 100 kr
Recent activity
Kajsa Isenberg donated 200 kr
Kivra AB donated 57,953 kr
Sebastian Berggren donated 250 kr
Penguin Kivra: Thank you Sebastian!
Andreas Källman donated 600 kr
Clay workshop
Penguin Kivra: TV-expert, thank you for your contributions! Enjoy the activity at the famous Stökerian!
Magnus Ekman donated 250 kr
Penguin Kivra: Thank you for your donation Magnus! Wish you a happy new year!
Erik Lindebratt donated 250 kr
Penguin Kivra: Thank you for your donation Erik! Enjoy the visit to the secret location!
Beata Burreau donated 1,150 kr
Penguin Kivra: Beata, thank you for your generous donation! Enjoy the famous tiramisu and all the fun activities!
Victor Wiberg donated 650 kr
Penguin Kivra: Victor, thank you for your contribution! Looking forward to listen to your future platinum single on Spotify! Happy new year, Kivra Penguin
Erik Lignell donated 1,000 kr
Kivra charity auction
Penguin Kivra: Rockstar! Thank you for your donation. We are looking forward to the Summer Party! *Dancing-Penguin*
Pavel Lukashin donated 650 kr
Penguin Kivra: Pavel, thank you so much for your contributions at 2024 years charity auction! Looking forward to listen to the serenade :-)
Frida Trydvall donated 450 kr
Penguin Kivra: Frida, thank you so much for your donation!
Sarah Ohlsson donated 800 kr
Penguin Kivra: Thank you Sarah for your donation, and happy new year!
Adam Hultén donated 1,100 kr
Pizza night!
Penguin Kivra: Yey, enjoy the Pizza night! Thank you Adam for your donation!
John Stjernrup donated 350 kr
Penguin Kivra: John, thank you for your donation! Futsal, with a famous superstar, enjoy!
Daniel Widgren donated 1,150 kr
Penguin Kivra: Daniel, thank you for your donation! Enjoy the Tiramisu-party!
Helena Molander donated 750 kr
Penguin Kivra: Thank you Helena for all your contributions, enjoy all the activities!!
Christoffer Akers donated 250 kr
Penguin Kivra: Thank you for your donation Christoffer, enjoy the tour!
Greta Olsson Lööf donated 1,450 kr
I'm one of the lucky winners of "Neapolitan pizza night!" and "PLAY FUTSAL!" :D
Penguin Kivra: Greta, thank you for your generous donation! Hope the Pizza and Futsal will live up to all your expectations! Holiday greetings, Penguin Kivra
Cecilia Axeland donated 900 kr
Penguin Kivra: Thank you Cecilia for all your contributions this years Charity Acution, and enjoy all the fun and handcrafting activities you have ahead! Greetings, from Penguin Kivra
Lisa Bratt donated 900 kr
Penguin Kivra: THANK you Lisa for your contribution this year! So many fun activities you have ahead - enjoy them all! ❤️ Holiday wishes from Penguin Kivra
Charlie Cervin donated 1,200 kr
Penguin Kivra: Thank you for all your contribution to this years Charity Auction, Charlie! Enjoy all the upcoming activities and private tour visits!
Pedro Merino donated 1,700 kr
Thank you!
Penguin Kivra: Thank YOU Pedro, for your generous contribution!
Marcus Jarde donated 1,600 kr
Penguin Kivra: Thank you for all your contributions Marcus! Enjoy all the fun and engaging activities you have ahead!
Sigge Christoffersson donated 600 kr
Penguin Kivra: "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day" or just say THANK YOU for your donation Sigge :-)