Racing for Doctors without borders at Ironman Lanzarote
Ge en gåva- Skapad av:
- Magnus Jonsson
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- Läkare Utan Gränsers allmänna arbete
Racing for Doctors without borders at Ironman Lanzarote
To raise awareness and contribute to the expenses and supplies for the HERO'S volunteering and working for Doctors without borders I have started this collection.
On the 20th of May I will return to the windy Island of Lanzarote to race again and try to go faster than I did 20 years ago. I like to make this race something more than just another Ironman race. I hope that you will participate and make the event mean much more. Please; donate any amount that you can afford to help to people in need to receive medical help and support.
Thank you!
Senaste aktivitet
Emma Roos gav 300 kr
Fin födelsedagsönskning! Happy b-day!
Magnus Jonsson: Tack Emma!!! Hälsa Henke och Leon!
Ingmarie Nilsson gav 200 kr
Vi känner ju egentligen inte varandra men stort grattis Magnus och tack för att du ordnar denna insamlingen. :-)
Magnus Jonsson: Tack Ing-Marie !!! Det kommer göra stor skillnad för någon som verkligen behöver det !
Peter Strom gav 500 kr
Magnus Jonsson: Thank you Peter ! Really appreciate that you do this!!
Sharon Kaufman gav 500 kr
Magnus Jonsson: THANK YOU SHARON!
Torbjörn Gunnäng gav 2 000 kr
Go for it Magnus!! Unfortunately, we can't be there to experience your triumph at Lanzarote Christina and Torbjörn
Magnus Jonsson: Thank you Torbjörn & Christina!!! great contribution to a good cause! PS: there will more opportunities to come to races :-)
Leila R gav 500 kr
Happy to support you and Doctors without borders - both achieving amazing things!
Magnus Jonsson: Thank you Leila - you have a heart of gold! Well, they are the real hero's - a Ironman is easy compared to what they do.
Carlo Pompili gav 300 kr
Go Magnus go!
Magnus Jonsson: Great Carlo, much appreciated !
Klas Hjort gav 300 kr
I just donate because it is a good cause!
Magnus Jonsson: Great Klas, thanks
Ingvar Pettersson gav 100 kr
Magnus Jonsson: Thank you Ingvar!!
Obix AB gav 3 000 kr
Wish you were working as hard as you are training - then we could donate more. Hopefully you will get the Ironman bug out of your system once and get back to solid 60-80 weeks again. Good luck from you employer!
Magnus Jonsson: Not sure about that...... but thanks for donating!
Morten Krogh gav 100 kr
Pedal to the metal!!!
Magnus Jonsson: Thank you Morten! Your the King!
Sally (Amethyst) Hurwitch gav 100 kr
I am pleased to help in this small way. May a million others do the same!
Magnus Jonsson: Thank you Sally - you are so kind!
Roger M Solomon gav 500 kr
Happy to Donate to Magnus Jonsson who is super person working a good cause!
Magnus Jonsson: Thank you Roger - specially for reminding me to get this started !!! You are a good man!
Per Hedblom gav 300 kr
Magnus Jonsson: Thank you Per - you are a good man!!
Noxfeld Access AB gav 1 000 kr
May the force be with you!
Magnus Jonsson: Thank you ObiOneKanobe! I hope the force will be strong with me (I will need it...), Either way - your donation is strong and I am thankful. Life will be saved, suffering reduced ! You are a great person !!!